Individual Skill Development


Individual clients are provided personalized plans for assistance with Home Economics, Business, Career Planning, Social and Life Skills that will help prepare them interact in their communities.

Financial Skills

Budgeting, career planning, resume building, and employment readiness.

Social Skills

Public awareness, eye contact, engagement, and listening skills.

Life Skills

Cooking, cleaning, hygiene, self-care, and understanding the importance.

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How We Serve

Reflection of Reality serves children and adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities and other specialized needs through home- and community-based services and supports.

We emphasize community integration and choice while providing services that are tailored to each person’s individualized plan of care.

With an experienced team of human service professionals, we are particularly skilled at assessment and program planning, as well as helping the individuals we serve transition into their community from more restrictive settings.

Because each person’s needs and preferences are different, and often change over time, we provide a continuum of community-based residential and non-residential support to help individuals of all abilities succeed and thrive.

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